Mini yagi ligthweight antenna designed for small spaces.
Available in 30-17-12-6m or 40-17-12-6m version
2 elements full size on 17 and 12m
Loaded rotating dipole on 30m or 40m
3/4 wave rotating dipole on 6m
Antenna in real use perform greater than EZNEC design.
Best performance if installed at least 5m o more over the ground.
Reccomanded the use of a 1:1 1.5KW balun.
6m, 30m or 40m
Gain = 0 dBd (free space)
F/B = 0 dBd (free space)
Gain = 6 dBd (free space)
F/B = 12 dBd (free space)
SWR 18 - 18,3 = 1:1.2
Gaing = 6,5dBd (free space)
F/B = 12 dBd (free space)
SWR 24.7 - 28.85 - 25 = 1,5 - 1 - 1,5
Impedence: 50 ohm (single coax)
Boom lenght = 2.5m
N. elements = 2+2
Accept 48-50mm mast
Radius 40m version = 6.38m
Radius 30m version = 4.55m
Weight = 15 Kg
Wind area = 0.3m2
Alluminum with stainless steel harware.
PST4-406 = 378.00€ + vat (EU only)
PST4-306= 357.00€ + vat (EU only)
Balun 1:1, 1.5Kw = 43.00€ + vat (EU only)
Shipping cost = t.b.d.